Religious Education

We are proud of the warm and caring community of religious seekers that we have created here at UU Church of Savannah. Our young people are free to explore religious thoughts and values in an environment of mutual kindness and respect. We offer a variety of classes and resources to support each child's search for truth and meaning. Our religious education (RE) program is headed by our Director of Religious Education, Megan Dunkelberg, and is supported by our enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers.

We offer year-round religious education (RE) for children ages 3 and up. Our class is currently composed of all ages in one shared classroom, which is located upstairs above our fellowship hall. We focus on learning valuable life lessons through interactive stories, meditation, arts and crafts, and games.

The current curriculum for RE class is adapted from our Soul Matters material. The lessons have a new theme each month that aligns with our worship service theme. We would love to have you!

Email Megan Dunkelberg at with any questions!


Our nursery is now open for children from the ages of 6 months to 4 years. You are welcome to bring your child to the nursery prior to the worship service or when the children are dismissed after the Story for All Ages. Our nursery is located in our religious education spaces. We will be happy to direct you there!


Periodically – often on special holidays – our children attend a full worship service with the rest of the congregation. Enjoying a UU service gives our children a firm grounding in what it means to be a part of the larger congregation. It helps them prepare for the day when they are old enough to stay in the service every week. It also allows the adults in the congregation the pleasure of enjoying the enthusiasm and openness only children can bring to a worship experience.


Our children’s involvement in the life of the church goes beyond Sunday morning. They participate in a number of social justice activities throughout the year, such as collecting food items for the Backpack Buddies program, engaging in Savannah Pride activities, marching in Savannah’s annual Martin Luther King Day parade, and raising money for the church by having a yearly book sale.


Our children have fun! On periodic Fridays throughout the year we host a Kids' Night Out, where young people enjoy an evening of arts and crafts, games, and movies (and parents/guardians get to enjoy the evening on their own). At other times they take field trips, celebrate holidays, participate in music performances, and usually can be found after church playing in the square. 

Our program is made possible by the wonderful, dedicated volunteer assistants who donate their time and talents each week to our children. Volunteers work alongside the DRE to help facilitate lessons, projects, and crafts. All volunteers who regularly work with our children must have a background check and agree to abide by our Code of Ethics for Adults Working with Children and Youth.

If you’d like to join our volunteer team, we’d love to have you! You do not need to be a parent to volunteer.

Please email Megan to fill out our RE Volunteer Registration form:


How to Become a Volunteer Assistant